Message from Mrs. Leonardo
Check out the most recent Cougar Connect for a message from Mrs. Leonardo, as well as additional information regarding school policies and programs Kennedy has to offer. Prior Cougar Connects are now easily found under the ‘Home’ tab.
Don’t forget to check out the ‘PTO Corner’ in Mrs Leonardo’s newsletter… it’s toward the end of the newsletter, and chock full of useful PTO information!
Direct Drive 2024-25
What do we support?
Working closely with the KMS administration, PTO Direct Drive funds support: Music / STEAM / Art / Drama / Maker Space / School dances / Lunchtime activities / Physical education / 8th-grade celebration activities.
For more details about our Direct Drive Click here.
This year, our direct drive goal is $50,000. Without these funds, we won’t be able to support the programs and activities that our community values. We need your financial help to continue to support the programs listed below that benefit all students and families. In order to provide these resources, we must raise $50,000. We suggest all families make a minimum financial contribution of $500 per family for the 2024-2025 school year.
To contribute and support our Direct Drive 2024-25:
Scan the QR Code:
PayPal (click here)
CreditCard via Online Store (click here)
Donation Form (click here)
Stay in Touch
Follow the KMS PTO on Instagram (@Kennedycougarspto) and Facebook to stay up-t0-date.
If you’d prefer information in Spanish, join this WhatsApp Group
Feel free to email with questions or concerns