8th Grade Graduation

2024 Graduation Information

Hello Parents & Families of 8th Graders – 

Graduation & all of the fun end of the year activities are coming up soon! Our 8th grade students will create lifelong memories as they say goodbye to Kennedy Middle School!

We need your help to make these events possible! PLEASE CONTRIBUTE TODAY! 

A $75 contribution from each 8th grader will help raise funds for all of the graduation activities. Your contribution covers the special 8th grade sweatshirts, trip to Great America, the Graduation Dance, a picnic/field day event, and maintaining graduation gowns. 

Without your assistance, these events will not be possible.

Below are some things 8th grade students have to look forward to

Sweatshirts available to all students – October 2023

Great America trip – Friday, May 24, 2024

Field Day – June 2nd 

Graduation Ceremony – Tuesday, June 11,2024 – 6pm-7pm

Graduation Dance – Tuesday, June 11,2024 – 7:30 pm-10:00pm

If you are able please make a $75 contribution there are many ways to contribute…

  1. Credit Card via the PTO online store. – Please include your child’s name in the comments.

  2. PayPal   – Please include your child’s name in the comments.

  3. Check or Cash – Make a check to Kennedy PTO or leave cash in the PTO lock box at the Kennedy Office. – Please include your child’s name with the check or cash. 

Students will not be excluded from activities if they cannot contribute.
Kennedy PTO 8th Grade Planning Committee

Graduation may seem like a long way away but the 8th Grade Graduation Committee is already starting to plan events for May and June 2024 that will create lifelong memories for our students that will be saying goodbye to Kennedy Middle School!

The Class of 2024 8th Grade Events & Activities Committee is responsible for planning/helping with:

  • 8th Grade Sweatshirts – delivered in February/March
  • Great America Trip – date TBA
  • Field Day – date TBA
  • 8th Grade Graduation – Date/Time
  • 8th Grade Graduation Dance – Date/Time

We need your help to make these events possible! Please email info@kennedycougarspto.org if you are interested in joining the Class of 2024 8th Grade Events & Activities Committee.


A $75 contribution from each 8th grader will ensure that all students have the opportunity to participate in the graduation activities. Your contribution covers transportation and admission to Great America, the Graduation Dance, a picnic/field day event, and graduation gown maintenance. Without your assistance, these events will not be possible.

You can make your contribution online through PayPal or the PTO online store. If you make your payment online, please include a note with the name of your student. You may also pay by check by leaving it in the PTO box in the school office. Please note your student’s name on the check.