PTO News: 2/10-23

Wed Feb 12 @ 5-6pm: School Site Council Meeting — Library/Zoom

Thurs Feb 13 @ 9a-10pm: Dine Out at Panda Express. Use code 3835367 if ordering online. Or show the flyer at the restaurant. 20% back to KMS PTO!!

Fri Feb 14: NO SCHOOL (Lincoln’s Day)

Feb 17-21: NO SCHOOL (February Break)

Message from Mrs. Leonardo

Check out the most recent Cougar Connect for a message from Mrs. Leonardo, as well as additional information regarding school policies and programs Kennedy has to offer.

Direct Drive 2024-25

What do we support?

Working closely with the KMS administration, PTO Direct Drive funds support: Music / STEAM / Art / Drama / Maker Space / School dances / Lunchtime activities / Physical education / 8th-grade celebration activities. 

For more details about our Direct Drive Click here.

This year, our direct drive goal is $50,000. Without these funds, we won’t be able to support the programs and activities that our community values. We need your financial help to continue to support the programs listed below that benefit all students and families. In order to provide these resources, we must raise $50,000. We suggest all families make a minimum financial contribution of $500 per family for the 2024-2025 school year.  

To contribute and support our Direct Drive 2024-25:

Scan the QR Code:

PayPal (click here)

Donation Form (click here)

Donations for SEL (social-emotional learning) Wing

KMS community,

This year our middle school enrollment is over 800 students, including many multilingual and newcomer students. With our Principal’s support, our lead mental health counselor is working to establish an on-site social emotional (SEL) wing that is completely dedicated to addressing our students’ needs. However, we lack the furnishings and resources to create the desired space our students deserve. The space will be used for lunch bunches, the wellness club and counseling services. The goal is to make it welcoming, healing-centered and culturally responsive. To achieve this, we need to help transform some classrooms into inviting spaces that provide comfy seating, calming decor, and essential bilingual wellness supplies. 

There are three ways to help:

1. Do you have any sofas or chairs you’d be willing to donate as soon as possible? If so, please email 

2. Click on this list to make a financial contribution toward the purchase of needed items:  DonorsChoose: Project SEL Wing

Donations made by September 2nd will be doubled. When donors enter the code LIFTOFF on the payment page, their donations will be matched dollar for dollar (up to $50). Other projects, such as bilingual counseling supplies, fidgets, journals, snacks, candy, and such, will also be coming soon! 

3. Share this request widely among your own circles.

Together, we can make this happen!

Spirit Wear

Welcome to the Kennedy Middle School spirit wear store! Here’s a sneak peak – Get yours today!

The store will remain open throughout the school year.  Orders will be processed on Mondays and take 10-15 working days to complete.  Upon completion an email notification will be sent letting you know that the order is ready for shipping or for pickup at Goetz Bros. Sporting Goods (1125 Industrial Rd, San Carlos)

Amazon Wishlist

If you’d like to contribute directly to a teacher’s classroom, check out the Kennedy’s Amazon Wishlist , created by Mrs Leonardo. The wishlist will be updated based on classroom needs.

Stay in Touch

Follow the KMS PTO on Instagram (@Kennedycougarspto) and Facebook to stay up-t0-date.

If you’d prefer information in Spanish, join this WhatsApp Group

Feel free to email with questions or concerns

PTO News: Feb 3-9

Thurs Feb 6 @ 8:45am: Coffee with the Principal, in the Library

Message from Mrs. Leonardo

Check out the most recent Cougar Connect for a message from Mrs. Leonardo, as well as additional information regarding school policies and programs Kennedy has to offer.

Direct Drive 2024-25

What do we support?

Working closely with the KMS administration, PTO Direct Drive funds support: Music / STEAM / Art / Drama / Maker Space / School dances / Lunchtime activities / Physical education / 8th-grade celebration activities. 

For more details about our Direct Drive Click here.

This year, our direct drive goal is $50,000. Without these funds, we won’t be able to support the programs and activities that our community values. We need your financial help to continue to support the programs listed below that benefit all students and families. In order to provide these resources, we must raise $50,000. We suggest all families make a minimum financial contribution of $500 per family for the 2024-2025 school year.  

To contribute and support our Direct Drive 2024-25:

Scan the QR Code:

PayPal (click here)

Donation Form (click here)

Donations for SEL (social-emotional learning) Wing

KMS community,

This year our middle school enrollment is over 800 students, including many multilingual and newcomer students. With our Principal’s support, our lead mental health counselor is working to establish an on-site social emotional (SEL) wing that is completely dedicated to addressing our students’ needs. However, we lack the furnishings and resources to create the desired space our students deserve. The space will be used for lunch bunches, the wellness club and counseling services. The goal is to make it welcoming, healing-centered and culturally responsive. To achieve this, we need to help transform some classrooms into inviting spaces that provide comfy seating, calming decor, and essential bilingual wellness supplies. 

There are three ways to help:

1. Do you have any sofas or chairs you’d be willing to donate as soon as possible? If so, please email 

2. Click on this list to make a financial contribution toward the purchase of needed items:  DonorsChoose: Project SEL Wing

Donations made by September 2nd will be doubled. When donors enter the code LIFTOFF on the payment page, their donations will be matched dollar for dollar (up to $50). Other projects, such as bilingual counseling supplies, fidgets, journals, snacks, candy, and such, will also be coming soon! 

3. Share this request widely among your own circles.

Together, we can make this happen!

Spirit Wear

Welcome to the Kennedy Middle School spirit wear store! Here’s a sneak peak – Get yours today!

The store will remain open throughout the school year.  Orders will be processed on Mondays and take 10-15 working days to complete.  Upon completion an email notification will be sent letting you know that the order is ready for shipping or for pickup at Goetz Bros. Sporting Goods (1125 Industrial Rd, San Carlos)

Amazon Wishlist

If you’d like to contribute directly to a teacher’s classroom, check out the Kennedy’s Amazon Wishlist , created by Mrs Leonardo. The wishlist will be updated based on classroom needs.

Stay in Touch

Follow the KMS PTO on Instagram (@Kennedycougarspto) and Facebook to stay up-t0-date.

If you’d prefer information in Spanish, join this WhatsApp Group

Feel free to email with questions or concerns

PTO News: Jan 27-Feb 2

Tues Jan 28 @ 7-8:30pm: PTO Meeting in Room 101. Virtual option: Zoom Link,  Meeting ID: 931 1904 0816, Passcode=Kennedy.

Message from Mrs. Leonardo

Check out the most recent Cougar Connect for a message from Mrs. Leonardo, as well as additional information regarding school policies and programs Kennedy has to offer.

Direct Drive 2024-25

What do we support?

Working closely with the KMS administration, PTO Direct Drive funds support: Music / STEAM / Art / Drama / Maker Space / School dances / Lunchtime activities / Physical education / 8th-grade celebration activities. 

For more details about our Direct Drive Click here.

This year, our direct drive goal is $50,000. Without these funds, we won’t be able to support the programs and activities that our community values. We need your financial help to continue to support the programs listed below that benefit all students and families. In order to provide these resources, we must raise $50,000. We suggest all families make a minimum financial contribution of $500 per family for the 2024-2025 school year.  

To contribute and support our Direct Drive 2024-25:

Scan the QR Code:

PayPal (click here)

Donation Form (click here)

Donations for SEL (social-emotional learning) Wing

KMS community,

This year our middle school enrollment is over 800 students, including many multilingual and newcomer students. With our Principal’s support, our lead mental health counselor is working to establish an on-site social emotional (SEL) wing that is completely dedicated to addressing our students’ needs. However, we lack the furnishings and resources to create the desired space our students deserve. The space will be used for lunch bunches, the wellness club and counseling services. The goal is to make it welcoming, healing-centered and culturally responsive. To achieve this, we need to help transform some classrooms into inviting spaces that provide comfy seating, calming decor, and essential bilingual wellness supplies. 

There are three ways to help:

1. Do you have any sofas or chairs you’d be willing to donate as soon as possible? If so, please email 

2. Click on this list to make a financial contribution toward the purchase of needed items:  DonorsChoose: Project SEL Wing

Donations made by September 2nd will be doubled. When donors enter the code LIFTOFF on the payment page, their donations will be matched dollar for dollar (up to $50). Other projects, such as bilingual counseling supplies, fidgets, journals, snacks, candy, and such, will also be coming soon! 

3. Share this request widely among your own circles.

Together, we can make this happen!

Spirit Wear

Welcome to the Kennedy Middle School spirit wear store! Here’s a sneak peak – Get yours today!

The store will remain open throughout the school year.  Orders will be processed on Mondays and take 10-15 working days to complete.  Upon completion an email notification will be sent letting you know that the order is ready for shipping or for pickup at Goetz Bros. Sporting Goods (1125 Industrial Rd, San Carlos)

Amazon Wishlist

If you’d like to contribute directly to a teacher’s classroom, check out the Kennedy’s Amazon Wishlist , created by Mrs Leonardo. The wishlist will be updated based on classroom needs.

Stay in Touch

Follow the KMS PTO on Instagram (@Kennedycougarspto) and Facebook to stay up-t0-date.

If you’d prefer information in Spanish, join this WhatsApp Group

Feel free to email with questions or concerns

PTO News: 1/20-26

Thurs Jan 23 11a-9p: Dine Out at Sancho’s Taqueria

Message from Mrs. Leonardo

Check out the most recent Cougar Connect for a message from Mrs. Leonardo, as well as additional information regarding school policies and programs Kennedy has to offer.

Direct Drive 2024-25

What do we support?

Working closely with the KMS administration, PTO Direct Drive funds support: Music / STEAM / Art / Drama / Maker Space / School dances / Lunchtime activities / Physical education / 8th-grade celebration activities. 

For more details about our Direct Drive Click here.

This year, our direct drive goal is $50,000. Without these funds, we won’t be able to support the programs and activities that our community values. We need your financial help to continue to support the programs listed below that benefit all students and families. In order to provide these resources, we must raise $50,000. We suggest all families make a minimum financial contribution of $500 per family for the 2024-2025 school year.  

To contribute and support our Direct Drive 2024-25:

Scan the QR Code:

PayPal (click here)

Donation Form (click here)

Donations for SEL (social-emotional learning) Wing

KMS community,

This year our middle school enrollment is over 800 students, including many multilingual and newcomer students. With our Principal’s support, our lead mental health counselor is working to establish an on-site social emotional (SEL) wing that is completely dedicated to addressing our students’ needs. However, we lack the furnishings and resources to create the desired space our students deserve. The space will be used for lunch bunches, the wellness club and counseling services. The goal is to make it welcoming, healing-centered and culturally responsive. To achieve this, we need to help transform some classrooms into inviting spaces that provide comfy seating, calming decor, and essential bilingual wellness supplies. 

There are three ways to help:

1. Do you have any sofas or chairs you’d be willing to donate as soon as possible? If so, please email 

2. Click on this list to make a financial contribution toward the purchase of needed items:  DonorsChoose: Project SEL Wing

Donations made by September 2nd will be doubled. When donors enter the code LIFTOFF on the payment page, their donations will be matched dollar for dollar (up to $50). Other projects, such as bilingual counseling supplies, fidgets, journals, snacks, candy, and such, will also be coming soon! 

3. Share this request widely among your own circles.

Together, we can make this happen!

Spirit Wear

Welcome to the Kennedy Middle School spirit wear store! Here’s a sneak peak – Get yours today!

The store will remain open throughout the school year.  Orders will be processed on Mondays and take 10-15 working days to complete.  Upon completion an email notification will be sent letting you know that the order is ready for shipping or for pickup at Goetz Bros. Sporting Goods (1125 Industrial Rd, San Carlos)

Amazon Wishlist

If you’d like to contribute directly to a teacher’s classroom, check out the Kennedy’s Amazon Wishlist , created by Mrs Leonardo. The wishlist will be updated based on classroom needs.

Stay in Touch

Follow the KMS PTO on Instagram (@Kennedycougarspto) and Facebook to stay up-t0-date.

If you’d prefer information in Spanish, join this WhatsApp Group

Feel free to email with questions or concerns

PTO News: 1/13-20

Mon Jan 20: NO SCHOOL for Martin Luther King Jr Day

Message from Mrs. Leonardo

Check out the most recent Cougar Connect for a message from Mrs. Leonardo, as well as additional information regarding school policies and programs Kennedy has to offer.

Direct Drive 2024-25

What do we support?

Working closely with the KMS administration, PTO Direct Drive funds support: Music / STEAM / Art / Drama / Maker Space / School dances / Lunchtime activities / Physical education / 8th-grade celebration activities. 

For more details about our Direct Drive Click here.

This year, our direct drive goal is $50,000. Without these funds, we won’t be able to support the programs and activities that our community values. We need your financial help to continue to support the programs listed below that benefit all students and families. In order to provide these resources, we must raise $50,000. We suggest all families make a minimum financial contribution of $500 per family for the 2024-2025 school year.  

To contribute and support our Direct Drive 2024-25:

Scan the QR Code:

PayPal (click here)

Donation Form (click here)

Donations for SEL (social-emotional learning) Wing

KMS community,

This year our middle school enrollment is over 800 students, including many multilingual and newcomer students. With our Principal’s support, our lead mental health counselor is working to establish an on-site social emotional (SEL) wing that is completely dedicated to addressing our students’ needs. However, we lack the furnishings and resources to create the desired space our students deserve. The space will be used for lunch bunches, the wellness club and counseling services. The goal is to make it welcoming, healing-centered and culturally responsive. To achieve this, we need to help transform some classrooms into inviting spaces that provide comfy seating, calming decor, and essential bilingual wellness supplies. 

There are three ways to help:

1. Do you have any sofas or chairs you’d be willing to donate as soon as possible? If so, please email 

2. Click on this list to make a financial contribution toward the purchase of needed items:  DonorsChoose: Project SEL Wing

Donations made by September 2nd will be doubled. When donors enter the code LIFTOFF on the payment page, their donations will be matched dollar for dollar (up to $50). Other projects, such as bilingual counseling supplies, fidgets, journals, snacks, candy, and such, will also be coming soon! 

3. Share this request widely among your own circles.

Together, we can make this happen!

Spirit Wear

Welcome to the Kennedy Middle School spirit wear store! Here’s a sneak peak – Get yours today!

The store will remain open throughout the school year.  Orders will be processed on Mondays and take 10-15 working days to complete.  Upon completion an email notification will be sent letting you know that the order is ready for shipping or for pickup at Goetz Bros. Sporting Goods (1125 Industrial Rd, San Carlos)

Amazon Wishlist

If you’d like to contribute directly to a teacher’s classroom, check out the Kennedy’s Amazon Wishlist , created by Mrs Leonardo. The wishlist will be updated based on classroom needs.

Stay in Touch

Follow the KMS PTO on Instagram (@Kennedycougarspto) and Facebook to stay up-t0-date.

If you’d prefer information in Spanish, join this WhatsApp Group

Feel free to email with questions or concerns

Kennedy Mural

Kennedy is getting a new entrance mural! Designed by local artist Jose Castro with input from students in Ms. Segal’s art classes, painting has begun!

We need some parent help to supervise and assist. Please sign up here: Sign up here:

Special thanks goes to Hassett Hardware in Woodside Plaza, the Redwood City Arts Commission, and generous support by The Kennedy PTO! Donations welcome to support this project:

PTO News: 12/16-1/12

Wed Dec 18: Staff Appreciation Cookie Buffet (see details in flyer below)

Wed Dec 18 5-9pm: Dine Out at Chiptole

Fri Dec 20: Minimum Day, dismissal at 1:50pm


Wed Jan 7: School resumes

Message from Mrs. Leonardo

Check out the most recent Cougar Connect for a message from Mrs. Leonardo, as well as additional information regarding school policies and programs Kennedy has to offer.

Direct Drive 2024-25

What do we support?

Working closely with the KMS administration, PTO Direct Drive funds support: Music / STEAM / Art / Drama / Maker Space / School dances / Lunchtime activities / Physical education / 8th-grade celebration activities. 

For more details about our Direct Drive Click here.

This year, our direct drive goal is $50,000. Without these funds, we won’t be able to support the programs and activities that our community values. We need your financial help to continue to support the programs listed below that benefit all students and families. In order to provide these resources, we must raise $50,000. We suggest all families make a minimum financial contribution of $500 per family for the 2024-2025 school year.  

To contribute and support our Direct Drive 2024-25:

Scan the QR Code:

PayPal (click here)

Donation Form (click here)

Donations for SEL (social-emotional learning) Wing

KMS community,

This year our middle school enrollment is over 800 students, including many multilingual and newcomer students. With our Principal’s support, our lead mental health counselor is working to establish an on-site social emotional (SEL) wing that is completely dedicated to addressing our students’ needs. However, we lack the furnishings and resources to create the desired space our students deserve. The space will be used for lunch bunches, the wellness club and counseling services. The goal is to make it welcoming, healing-centered and culturally responsive. To achieve this, we need to help transform some classrooms into inviting spaces that provide comfy seating, calming decor, and essential bilingual wellness supplies. 

There are three ways to help:

1. Do you have any sofas or chairs you’d be willing to donate as soon as possible? If so, please email 

2. Click on this list to make a financial contribution toward the purchase of needed items:  DonorsChoose: Project SEL Wing

Donations made by September 2nd will be doubled. When donors enter the code LIFTOFF on the payment page, their donations will be matched dollar for dollar (up to $50). Other projects, such as bilingual counseling supplies, fidgets, journals, snacks, candy, and such, will also be coming soon! 

3. Share this request widely among your own circles.

Together, we can make this happen!

Spirit Wear

Welcome to the Kennedy Middle School spirit wear store! Here’s a sneak peak – Get yours today!

The store will remain open throughout the school year.  Orders will be processed on Mondays and take 10-15 working days to complete.  Upon completion an email notification will be sent letting you know that the order is ready for shipping or for pickup at Goetz Bros. Sporting Goods (1125 Industrial Rd, San Carlos)

Amazon Wishlist

If you’d like to contribute directly to a teacher’s classroom, check out the Kennedy’s Amazon Wishlist , created by Mrs Leonardo. The wishlist will be updated based on classroom needs.

Stay in Touch

Follow the KMS PTO on Instagram (@Kennedycougarspto) and Facebook to stay up-t0-date.

If you’d prefer information in Spanish, join this WhatsApp Group

Feel free to email with questions or concerns

PTO News: 12/9-15

Message from Mrs. Leonardo

Check out the most recent Cougar Connect for a message from Mrs. Leonardo, as well as additional information regarding school policies and programs Kennedy has to offer.

Direct Drive 2024-25

What do we support?

Working closely with the KMS administration, PTO Direct Drive funds support: Music / STEAM / Art / Drama / Maker Space / School dances / Lunchtime activities / Physical education / 8th-grade celebration activities. 

For more details about our Direct Drive Click here.

This year, our direct drive goal is $50,000. Without these funds, we won’t be able to support the programs and activities that our community values. We need your financial help to continue to support the programs listed below that benefit all students and families. In order to provide these resources, we must raise $50,000. We suggest all families make a minimum financial contribution of $500 per family for the 2024-2025 school year.  

To contribute and support our Direct Drive 2024-25:

Scan the QR Code:

PayPal (click here)

Donation Form (click here)

Donations for SEL (social-emotional learning) Wing

KMS community,

This year our middle school enrollment is over 800 students, including many multilingual and newcomer students. With our Principal’s support, our lead mental health counselor is working to establish an on-site social emotional (SEL) wing that is completely dedicated to addressing our students’ needs. However, we lack the furnishings and resources to create the desired space our students deserve. The space will be used for lunch bunches, the wellness club and counseling services. The goal is to make it welcoming, healing-centered and culturally responsive. To achieve this, we need to help transform some classrooms into inviting spaces that provide comfy seating, calming decor, and essential bilingual wellness supplies. 

There are three ways to help:

1. Do you have any sofas or chairs you’d be willing to donate as soon as possible? If so, please email 

2. Click on this list to make a financial contribution toward the purchase of needed items:  DonorsChoose: Project SEL Wing

Donations made by September 2nd will be doubled. When donors enter the code LIFTOFF on the payment page, their donations will be matched dollar for dollar (up to $50). Other projects, such as bilingual counseling supplies, fidgets, journals, snacks, candy, and such, will also be coming soon! 

3. Share this request widely among your own circles.

Together, we can make this happen!

Spirit Wear

Welcome to the Kennedy Middle School spirit wear store! Here’s a sneak peak – Get yours today!

The store will remain open throughout the school year.  Orders will be processed on Mondays and take 10-15 working days to complete.  Upon completion an email notification will be sent letting you know that the order is ready for shipping or for pickup at Goetz Bros. Sporting Goods (1125 Industrial Rd, San Carlos)

Amazon Wishlist

If you’d like to contribute directly to a teacher’s classroom, check out the Kennedy’s Amazon Wishlist , created by Mrs Leonardo. The wishlist will be updated based on classroom needs.

Stay in Touch

Follow the KMS PTO on Instagram (@Kennedycougarspto) and Facebook to stay up-t0-date.

If you’d prefer information in Spanish, join this WhatsApp Group

Feel free to email with questions or concerns

PTO News: 12/2-9


Tues Dec 3: Giving Tuesday — consider donating to KMS PTO!

Wed Dec 4 @ 7:30am: Honor Breakfast

Message from Mrs. Leonardo

Check out the most recent Cougar Connect for a message from Mrs. Leonardo, as well as additional information regarding school policies and programs Kennedy has to offer.

Direct Drive 2024-25

What do we support?

Working closely with the KMS administration, PTO Direct Drive funds support: Music / STEAM / Art / Drama / Maker Space / School dances / Lunchtime activities / Physical education / 8th-grade celebration activities. 

For more details about our Direct Drive Click here.

This year, our direct drive goal is $50,000. Without these funds, we won’t be able to support the programs and activities that our community values. We need your financial help to continue to support the programs listed below that benefit all students and families. In order to provide these resources, we must raise $50,000. We suggest all families make a minimum financial contribution of $500 per family for the 2024-2025 school year.  

To contribute and support our Direct Drive 2024-25:

Scan the QR Code:

PayPal (click here)

Donation Form (click here)

Donations for SEL (social-emotional learning) Wing

KMS community,

This year our middle school enrollment is over 800 students, including many multilingual and newcomer students. With our Principal’s support, our lead mental health counselor is working to establish an on-site social emotional (SEL) wing that is completely dedicated to addressing our students’ needs. However, we lack the furnishings and resources to create the desired space our students deserve. The space will be used for lunch bunches, the wellness club and counseling services. The goal is to make it welcoming, healing-centered and culturally responsive. To achieve this, we need to help transform some classrooms into inviting spaces that provide comfy seating, calming decor, and essential bilingual wellness supplies. 

There are three ways to help:

1. Do you have any sofas or chairs you’d be willing to donate as soon as possible? If so, please email 

2. Click on this list to make a financial contribution toward the purchase of needed items:  DonorsChoose: Project SEL Wing

Donations made by September 2nd will be doubled. When donors enter the code LIFTOFF on the payment page, their donations will be matched dollar for dollar (up to $50). Other projects, such as bilingual counseling supplies, fidgets, journals, snacks, candy, and such, will also be coming soon! 

3. Share this request widely among your own circles.

Together, we can make this happen!

Spirit Wear

Welcome to the Kennedy Middle School spirit wear store! Here’s a sneak peak – Get yours today!

The store will remain open throughout the school year.  Orders will be processed on Mondays and take 10-15 working days to complete.  Upon completion an email notification will be sent letting you know that the order is ready for shipping or for pickup at Goetz Bros. Sporting Goods (1125 Industrial Rd, San Carlos)

Amazon Wishlist

If you’d like to contribute directly to a teacher’s classroom, check out the Kennedy’s Amazon Wishlist , created by Mrs Leonardo. The wishlist will be updated based on classroom needs.

Stay in Touch

Follow the KMS PTO on Instagram (@Kennedycougarspto) and Facebook to stay up-t0-date.

If you’d prefer information in Spanish, join this WhatsApp Group

Feel free to email with questions or concerns

PTO News: 11/18-12/2


Tuesday 11/19: PTO Meeting, in person and on Zoom

Thursday 11/21 @ 8:45am: Principal’s Coffee in the Library

Thursday 11/21: Dine-Out at Woodside Roadhouse

Monday 11/25: Super Minimum Day, dismissal at 12pm

Tuesday 11/26: Regular Minimum Day, dismissal at 1:50pm

Nov 27-29: NO SCHOOL. Happy Thanksgiving!! Classes resume Monday Dec 2

Message from Mrs. Leonardo

Check out the most recent Cougar Connect for a message from Mrs. Leonardo, as well as additional information regarding school policies and programs Kennedy has to offer.

Direct Drive 2024-25

What do we support?

Working closely with the KMS administration, PTO Direct Drive funds support: Music / STEAM / Art / Drama / Maker Space / School dances / Lunchtime activities / Physical education / 8th-grade celebration activities. 

For more details about our Direct Drive Click here.

This year, our direct drive goal is $50,000. Without these funds, we won’t be able to support the programs and activities that our community values. We need your financial help to continue to support the programs listed below that benefit all students and families. In order to provide these resources, we must raise $50,000. We suggest all families make a minimum financial contribution of $500 per family for the 2024-2025 school year.  

To contribute and support our Direct Drive 2024-25:

Scan the QR Code:

PayPal (click here)

Donation Form (click here)

Donations for SEL (social-emotional learning) Wing

KMS community,

This year our middle school enrollment is over 800 students, including many multilingual and newcomer students. With our Principal’s support, our lead mental health counselor is working to establish an on-site social emotional (SEL) wing that is completely dedicated to addressing our students’ needs. However, we lack the furnishings and resources to create the desired space our students deserve. The space will be used for lunch bunches, the wellness club and counseling services. The goal is to make it welcoming, healing-centered and culturally responsive. To achieve this, we need to help transform some classrooms into inviting spaces that provide comfy seating, calming decor, and essential bilingual wellness supplies. 

There are three ways to help:

1. Do you have any sofas or chairs you’d be willing to donate as soon as possible? If so, please email 

2. Click on this list to make a financial contribution toward the purchase of needed items:  DonorsChoose: Project SEL Wing

Donations made by September 2nd will be doubled. When donors enter the code LIFTOFF on the payment page, their donations will be matched dollar for dollar (up to $50). Other projects, such as bilingual counseling supplies, fidgets, journals, snacks, candy, and such, will also be coming soon! 

3. Share this request widely among your own circles.

Together, we can make this happen!

Spirit Wear

Welcome to the Kennedy Middle School spirit wear store! Here’s a sneak peak – Get yours today!

The store will remain open throughout the school year.  Orders will be processed on Mondays and take 10-15 working days to complete.  Upon completion an email notification will be sent letting you know that the order is ready for shipping or for pickup at Goetz Bros. Sporting Goods (1125 Industrial Rd, San Carlos)

Amazon Wishlist

If you’d like to contribute directly to a teacher’s classroom, check out the Kennedy’s Amazon Wishlist , created by Mrs Leonardo. The wishlist will be updated based on classroom needs.

Stay in Touch

Follow the KMS PTO on Instagram (@Kennedycougarspto) and Facebook to stay up-t0-date.

If you’d prefer information in Spanish, join this WhatsApp Group

Feel free to email with questions or concerns