Chipotle Fundraiser
33% of event sales are donated to Kennedy! Order online using code 3AMMYLH or show the flyer below at pickup.

Our first school event will be this Thursday from 6:00 to 8:00 pm. Families will be able to socialize from 6:00 to 7:00 pm. Then, the following information sessions will take place:
6th Grade Meet and Greet: 6PM – 8PM
Location: Blacktop
Our 6th-grade families can meet and greet one another from 6:00 to 7:00 pm on the Kennedy blacktop area.
7th Grade Grand Canyon and Yosemite Info Meeting: 7PM – 8PM
Location: Gym
This school year our 7th-graders will go to the Grand Canyon in May. Next year they will go to Yosemite. The reason Yosemite is included in this year’s information session is so families can learn about the cost of the trip. We book the trip this school year for the following school year.
8th Grade Events Overview: 7PM – 8PM
Location: Library
Our eighth-graders have a lot to look forward to this school year. Please join us in the library to learn about all the events leading up to 8th-grade graduation.

First PTO Meeting 2023-2024 – Wednesday, August 29!
Date: Tuesday, August 29
Time: 7:05pm – 8:30pm
Zoom Link:
Yearbook 2023-2024
Capture your memories in this year’s John F. Kennedy Middle School Yearbook!
To purchase…
- go to www.treering/validate
- Enter your school’s passcode: 1015926081674110
Regular price: $38.29
Purchase by: April 11, 2024
A Message from Mrs. Leonardo
Check out the most recent Cougar Connect for a message from Mrs. Leonardo, as well as additional information regarding school policies and programs Kennedy has to offer.
Direct Drive
Kennedy Middle School Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) is a nonprofit volunteer organization (tax ID 47-1531115) whose mission is to help students thrive and grow into the next generation of community and business leaders. To support this mission, we raise funding and organize parent volunteers to help our school better serve its students.
Kennedy offers an array of programs to support our students’ social, emotional, physical and academic needs, many of which are funded by the efforts of the PTO.
In 2023/2024, our direct drive fundraising goal is $30,000. We are asking $200 per family, but please consider donating any amount that fits your personal financial situation. Whether it’s $25, $50, $100 or $1,000, every dollar helps us reach our fundraising goal and our students are worth our investment.
- Online donation options are on our donate page:
- Check payments may be left in the PTO box inside the office or mailed to the school: Kennedy PTO, 2521 Goodwin Avenue, Redwood City, CA 94061. Please make checks payable to JFK Middle School PTO.
- Double your donation – check with your employer to see if they will match your generous donation.
- Please also consider a donation of your time. The PTO is always looking for volunteers to help with school events. For more information, please visit:
- Feel free to email with questions or for more information.
For more info:
2023/2024 PTO Open Positions
Please consider taking on one of these vital roles this year! We’d love to have you join us in any way you can – Reach out to with questions and for more info!
- Fundraising / Grant Writing
- STEM Program Liaison
- Student Activities Coordinator
- Parent Volunteer Coordinator
- Color Run Co-Lead
- Spirit Wear Lead
- Spanish Translation
Spirit Wear
Welcome to the Kennedy Middle School spirit wear store! Here’s a sneak peak – Get yours today!

The store will remain open throughout the school year. Orders will be processed on Mondays and take 10-15 working days to complete. Upon completion an email notification will be sent letting you know that the order is ready for shipping or for pickup at Goetz Bros. Sporting Goods (1125 Industrial Rd, San Carlos)
After School Sports
Registration for Fall sports is open! If you haven’t signed up yet, don’t wait too long – Spots are filling fast. Click on the links below for details and registration.
- Kennedy Volleyball: Girls 6th-8th grade
- Kennedy Flag Football: Boys 6th-8th grade
- Kennedy Basketball: Girls & Boys 6th-8th grade
For more info:

Stay in Touch
Follow the KMS PTO on Instagram (@Kennedycougarspto) and Facebook to stay up-t0-date.
Feel free to email with questions or concerns